Password special keys
ESC — bypass
F2 — change password
F5 — show/hide password
F7 — lock/unlock platform
F8 — lock/unlock TPM
F9 — lock/unlock smart card
DcsProp keys details
-> AuthStartMsg <string>
Message to show start of authorization
-> AuthErrorMsg <string>
Authorization error message
-> AuthorizeProgress 0/1
Show/hide «*» on each key press
-> AuthorizeVisible 0/1
Show input chars
-> AuthorizeRetry <number>
Number of password requests
-> AutoLogin <0/1>
Automatic login with default parameters
-> AutoPassword <string>
Automatic login password
-> PlatformLocked 0/1
Lock password to platform (SMBIOS structures>
-> HasMsg <string>
Prompt to enter hash
-> Hash <0..5>
Hash type
0 — test all
1 — sha512
2 — whirpool
3 — sha256
4 — ripemd160
5 — streebog
-> HashRqt <0/1>
Request hash or use default
-> PimMsg <string>
Prompt to enter pim
-> Pim <number>
Default pim value
-> PimRqt <0/1>
Request PIM or use default
-> PasswordType <0/1>
0 — Console password
1 — Picture password
-> PasswordMsg <string>
Pasword prompt
-> PasswordPicture
Path to bitmap for picture password
-> Random <0,2,5>
Random generator
0 — disable
5 — TPM 1.2
-> RUD <int>
Require USB device
<int> is CRC32 of VID_PID_SERIAL
To calculate RUD from EFI shell use DcsCfg -ul ( )
To calculate RUD from Windows use DcsWinCfg ( )